1. true whites are murdering slavers, but not as much as all other races
    Winston1 likes this.
  2. how can fedex pull the naming rights? nothing has changed, they were the redskins when they signed on. presumably they have a contract, i dont see how fedex wouldnt lose in court.

    i dont like when people claim to own a place. my family is from northern england, can i go there and tell everyone to fuck off i am "first peoples". same with israel and a anyplace where people think they own the place. you own a place when your military fights off the other fucks that want it. the end.

    we are all from africa anyways. native americans are not from america. they are from africa just like everyone.
    Goodlifetiger and Winston1 like this.
  3. The theory is that the first redskins crossed a land bridge of ice between Asia an North America
  4. of course dude, thats why mexicans look like sun aged chinamen
    Bengal B likes this.
  5. No new name yet, but Washington officially is no longer the Redskins.
  6. Sad day in America. It looks like Cleveland will follow suit. I know the Seminole tribe supports Free Shoes U’s name but wonder what UNC is going to do about the Tar Heels? Monumental stupidity IMO.
  7. What about the Fighting Irish or the Rajin Cajuns
  8. They have to go too. :mad:
  9. Utah Utes, Central Michigan Chippewas.

    And the San Diego State Aztecs? The Aztecs were a cruel and evil people. They practiced human sacrifice. Don't the Aztecs deserve to be denigrated if indeed naming a sports team after a tribe is denigration?
  10. I see a lot of suggestions for Washington and I have no skin in the game - red or otherwise - but it would really chap my ass if they go with Redtails, a salute to the Tuskeegee Airmen. I have no problem with seeing that as a team name, but if its done by anyone but a hypothetical franchise somewhere in Alabama then its nothing but political woke-ism. Kind of like Toronto calling its NBA team the Raptors because the movie Jurassic Park was popular when they got the franchise. 25 years later, its just a silly name. What kind of staying power would the Washington Redtails have?
    GiantDuckFan likes this.