1. By "we" do you mean Congress? It should be easy for those guys to agree upon exactly what this country needs.
  2. More childishness. It's so easy let you make a fool of yourself.

    I knew you couldn't answer it.

    That's is not how he evaded the question. Did you watch the video? Did you forget what we were talking about.

    Just like Paul, you try to deflect the issue to some other issue you want to talk about. Nobody is fooled by this. The guy was asked a simple questioned he evaded it. Pure and simple.

    No, we is not. You just make shit up. It's not very frightening.

    Oh yeah, I'm uninformed now. This is just too good.

    You have no case on the recent Rand Paul comments in question, so you bring up some other quote from his past and accuse me of not knowing what Rand Paul was actually thinking while he refused to answer the question at the press conference that we are talking about.


    So why did he evade the answer at the press conference and make himself look foolish?
  3. I mean WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America. We must work through our elected representatives and this will increasingly require us to elect representatives that answer to their constituencies, not to the political parties that fund them and not to the lobbyists and special interests that fund them. This will take some serious campaign reform and some more national parties, hopefully in the middle and not to the left and right of the already polarized Democrats and Republicans.
  4. He didn't evade and he explained exactly why he answered that way.
  5. I know it hurts Red that Obama doesn't get to be elected again.

    Let it go. We are here for you.
  6. Dream on.
  7. You know so little, you should really stop talking and making it obvious to everybody.
  8. Nothing to dream. Its in the video.

    “I’ve supported both bills with and without (exceptions),"

  9. Yes, we understand he wants to have it both ways.
  10. What is it I don't know?