1. hmmm...a Republican that NC and MM are considering? I'd be leery about voting for him. :D
    shane0911 likes this.
  2. I distrust all politicians
    shane0911 likes this.
  3. it's definitely a lesser of two evils kind of thing. for me, I look for the one who are acting most like the adults in the room.....right now, at least for me, that's the D's more times than not. Not that they are perfect....far from it
  4. we are actually employing reverse psychology techniques to trick you into voting for Hillary......:p
    LSUTiga likes this.
  5. Yak, yak, yak.

    Make a case for Paul or shut the fuck up.
  6. I will never vote for a Liberal. However, any Republican nominee is against abortion, same sex marriage, etc... Even if he was a stronger Libertarian (on social issues), I don't favor laissez faire economics. Humanity has proven incapable of a governmental hands off approach. I wish we could but history repeats itself.

    There has to be a good in-between. Perhaps in an alternate universe there is a perfect candidate.
    tirk likes this.
  7. Not as bad as to completely write them ALL off.

    If you think ALL R's are bad, you are just as much of a loon.
  8. I shouldn't have to make a case for a well informed voter.

    You should do your own homework and not look at D's or R's but rather the merit of each individual.

    I might be an R by classification, but I know good people are both D's, R's I's, white, black, brown, female, male, foreign, etc.

    I would never be as so bold to pass judgement based on a single characteristic.
  9. i'll make a case for him, I like his foreign policy to an extent, he has said the party needs to change on many things and he has shown himself to be for real on minority outreach. He doesnt care about the war on drugs, he thinks police militarization needs to end. He went to Ferguson himself to see what was going on before jumping to the standard conservative think of Brown deserved it. Fiscally ive always been somewhat conservative, but he has compassion for those who needed. That lines up with my thinking.

    Its a lot to like about this guy and some bad things as well, i think he will veer far to the right during primaries.
    gyver, Winston1 and shane0911 like this.
  10. That would be a mistake if he wants to swing the moderates. It won't buy him any tea baggers and would cost him independents and progressive democrats. His best move is to the center.