MLB Talk

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by tirk, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    I'm just phucking with ya on that one.
    no telling his actual age.
    but he looked like a 12 year old in that '96 World Series.
  2. Showtime

    Showtime Founding Member

    I don't see why the Dodgers don't just forget about Manny, and go after Dunn, Hudson and some pitching. They were talking about that on ESPN earlier today, and I couldn't agree more... it just makes a whole lot more sense if you ask me.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Manny and Boras rejected the $25 Mil. They want a multi-year contract. I'm a Yankee fan, but I swear...they better not go there.
  4. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Because you're taking up:

    2 spots in your batting order to get
    .265, 53 Hr, 166 RBI (162 game averages) with Hudson and Dunn

    1 spot in your batting order gives you
    .314, 41 HR, 133 RBI (162 game average) with Manny

    Even signing the least productive (i.e. cheapest) of the everyday 2B left in MLB will put you at least close, if not over the the combined numbers of Dunn and Hudson.

    Edit to Add: Manny may be a serious head case, but he's also the best hitter in baseball
  5. Lil Jules

    Lil Jules Founding Member

    I would hope the Yankees have learned their lesson on signing aging stars to long term deals.

    Listen, Manny is fantastic--one of the best hitters of all time. His teams have always been very good, and he performs in the post season. Sure he's goofy as hell and might not run out infield singles, but it's really not that big of a deal. The problem lies in his age.

    Someone's gonna have to give a little. Manny isn't going to sign a one year deal, even if it's at $25-30 million. No team in its right mind is going to give him the 4 years he wants. In the end he'll have to accept a 3 year deal at a salary a little lower than he'd get for a single year--maybe $21-22 million.
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Assuming Manny stays happy, otherwise he'll tank and just be "Manny being Manny".

    No way I give him more than 1 year.
  7. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Was hitting .299, well on his way to over 30 HR and 100 RBI (for the 12th time in 14 years) while he was "tanking" in Boston last season.

    He's going to hit no matter where he signs, or how much/little he signs.
    He's top 20 All-Time HR's, RBI, SLG%, ExtraBase hits, AB/HR, most career post-season HR, 6 RBI shy of the career postseason record, etc, etc.

    He has never "not hit".
  8. Lil Jules

    Lil Jules Founding Member

    I agree 100%. The whole "tanking" bit has the stench of Boston trying to save face for screwing up the negotiations with him last year.

    That being said, sooner or later age will catch up to him. He's going to have to make some concessions on the length of the contract. SabanFan may not want the Yankees (or anyone else) to sign him for more than a year, but you have to understand that he has to get paid while he's still got some pep in his step. A 3 year deal at a slightly below market salary seems like the most logical compromise.
  9. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    I kinda expected someone to have already offered 3 with a possible option on year 4.
  10. clair

    clair Rockets

    I read somewhere that the Yankees CAN'T sign Manny.

    Something about the MLB ranks their free-agents in tiers and that you can only sign 3 tier-A free agents in one offseason and Burnett, Sabathia and Tex filled that for the Yankees.

    So they can't get Sheets or Manny even if they wanted to.

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