1. oh hell yeah
    if he's healthy down the stretch and pitching anywhere near his capability.
  2. 200 what?

    Uh, no.

    You much mean IP.
  3. wanted to say 100k and hit the wrong number.
    prolly good for better than 220 IP, but Grady and Torre both pulled him early (6th when he could have gone 7) due to a decent bullpen.
  4. I like Lowe a lot.

    220 IP, 130 K, 15 Wins.

    He's a horse.

    You can't underestimate a guy who almost guarantees you those numbers.

    And he's nails in the playoffs, most importantly.
  5. maybe even more importantly,
    30+ starts every year guaranteed
  6. So are the Mets, Phillies or Cubs the front runners for favorite in the NL?
  7. Rockies agreed to terms with RHP Huston Street on a one-year, $4.5 million contract.

    the Mets are "showing interest" in Ben Sheets.

    Cubs agreed to terms with RHP Kevin Gregg on a one-year, $4.2 million contract.
  8. Good luck with that. It'll be a nice shot for Street to show he's not as bad as he seemed in Oakland. Unfortunately, numbers don't usually get better after you move to Coors.
  9. yes but hasnt he been hurt? i cant ever remember because in baseball, my biggest pet peeve with writers, is that anytime someone under-performs, they know hes hiding an injury.


    no one can ever just suck if they were good before.

  10. 70 ip last year. Maybe a bit below average for a good reliever, but not far off. ERA was 3.73--not good, but not as bad as I thought.

    He'll have to beat out Manny Corpas for the closer job, which shouldn't be too tough since Corpas lost the job to the mediocre Brian Fuetes last year.