1. well youre a shoo-in then. id avoid that job because of thew atl traffic. take the hornets job and get rid of sorry ass cp3.
  2. if you're hinting that Byron Scott will be gone before long, you're right.

    As soon as Phil Jackson retires, Byron is the next Lakers' coach.
  3. Ok, I have decided to finally go over to the Astros website to see what's been brewing in the offseason.

    Be right back.
  4. Mike Hampton (will wear Ausmus' #11 after getting Brad's blessing)
    Aaron Boone
    Clay Hensley
    Jason Michaels
    Jeff Fulchino (yes the same one you're thinking about)
    Matt Kata

    I guess they don't call it the Hot Stove for nothing. :huh:

    Oswalt will alter contract in order to make room for payroll for another quality pitcher.

    Dave Smith died of a heart attack at age 53. I really liked him except for that 86 meltdown vs the Mets.
  5. lowe and braves agree to 4 yr/$60 mill deal. the rotation isnt half bad considering they lost smoltz but the hitting could be a problem.

    javier vazquez is solid and of course jair jurrjens.

    sox should try to add michael young now that he demanded a trade.
  6. I approve of this train of thought
  7. So the Astros could not even be a major player for Derrick Lowe?


    Jason Jennings syndrome?
  8. Lowe

    Glavine/Campillo/anyone else

    that's not bad.

    I like the offense if they add a bat, which they plan to do.

    The pitching has no ace, but they have no 5th starter either. It's 5 #3's.
  9. You're gonna love having Lowe around
    he's not an ace, but he'll give you a guaranteed 30 starts, 200 Ks win and a chance to win more often than lose while he's on the mound.
  10. Youre gonna love having Smoltz arroo:bncry: unn:bncry:ddd:bncry::bncry::bncry::bncry::bncry:

    Is China man any good? Apparently he is good there.