1. Not really, had Gin or Cook caught those passes it's a different game for him.
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  2. I personally think he goes deep to much, we have a great running game. And throwing deep puts us behind the chains and removes the run on 3rd and long

    For sure it needs to happen, but I felt last week in Carolina it was killing drives
  3. I said this exact same thing after the 1st dirty turd game... I've been calling him dink and dunk Drew to my friends... I'm chalking some of it up to his hand still not being strong enough to grip the ball... He did throw some deeper balls yesterday, one was dropped and one was slightly long...
    fanatic likes this.
  4. He threw some in the Panther game too and had a strong throw on an out route to the opposite side of the field to Thomas, so maybe that was just the game plan against Cantlanta. We'll see going forward.
  5. Let’s be honest Saints’ fans...this is NOT the Drew Brees from a few years ago, but it is definitely enough to win a SB. Just need to step up around him. WHO DAT!!
  6. It may be, but he's got to have more weapons than Thomas and Kamara. Cook has potential, but he's had 3 major drops in the last 2 weeks. Ginn and Smith just don't get enough targets for defenses to respect them, I'm guessing because they just don't do enough to get open. Fourth receiver? What fourth receiver?
  7. Cook and Ginn need a lot of dates with the juggs machine...
    fanatic and ParadiseiNC like this.
  8. Too late for Ginn, dude's way past normal retirement age for a WR. Everyone else on the team with an 8 or a 1 as the first digit on their jersey (other than Thomas) should be locked in the practice facility with the machine.
  9. Do we want Seattle to win? I think we are in 1st place if they win

    Yup, we are in 1st with Seattle win tonight
    kcal likes this.