Latest on McKnight

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by islstl, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. Bayou Bengal11

    Bayou Bengal11 ~Orlando Tiger Coonass~

    Im hearing alot about it being b/t LSU and Ole Miss...with Ole Miss being the lean...that factored in with JM saying he will "surprise everyone" and his boy just signing with Ole Miss, has me thinking the Tigers have fallen behind in this one. IMHO
  2. Bayou Bengal11

    Bayou Bengal11 ~Orlando Tiger Coonass~

    Just for thought...all the traveling JM did during the recruiting process appears to have tired him out. JC and JM both said he is tired of the process and just want to hang out till signing day. This may have made JM realize that he doesn't want to be on the west coast...hence, USC out.
  3. burningitup

    burningitup Founding Member

    Just for thought...all the traveling JM did during the recruiting process appears to have tired him out. JC and JM both said he is tired of the process and just want to hang out till signing day. This may have made JM realize that he doesn't want to be on the west coast...hence, USC out.[/quote]

    Same for his family, it seems it would be better for them to come see him in Tiger Stadium than to go all the way to Oxford,MS
  4. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    You gotta take what recruits say with a grain of salt. Him saying he will "suprise everyone" is almost the exact thing that RP said and it freaked everyone out here that he was headed to Miss State.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Consider the light shed

    What is the accuracy rate of ANYTHING posted on Rivals? Not so good. Clear heads and sound minds do not seem to be in abundance on the Rivals board on any hot topic.

    It has been a wild few weeks. We lost James Wilson to Florida. We're trying to lure Trey Patterson away from WSU and Gilden away from Oregon. RoJo is a surprise last minute possibility plus Deonte still hangs in the balance. On Thursday we lost Donovan Warren to Michigan which was the biggest "kaboom" of the recruiting season so far. There is so much residual adrenaline going right now, the junkies can't help themselves.

    I'm not a betting person but if I were, I'd be putting a HUGE stack down that JM is NOT going to Ole Miss. My head isn't buried deep enough to realize that these kids can do crazy things a la Donovan Warren but JM isn't going to be a reb.

    As a side note, it's interesting that lsureveille's Keith Claverie ran an online article about the Bush scandle just 2 days ago. Claverie writes that Bush interned for New Era, the supposed agency that he allegedly took money from. That is completely false. New Era never existed. Bush interned for agent Mike Ornstein. If there's no accuracy in the actual media, what can you expect from a bunch of sports bloggers? Also, here's the last line of the article. Think there might be a bit of recruiting going on? LOL

    The sad part is the only real loser in the aftermath of the investigation is USC. Wait, that's not sad at all. Hooray!
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    He would also take ALL the hits. The SEC is a rough league. he won't be getting hit by 180-pound high-school defensive backs and 220-pound high-school linemen. Depth is essential to staying healthy. If McKnight is serious about an NFL future he needs three things:

    1. To remain injury-free in college

    2. To be a high-profile player in a high-profile program

    3. To win championships for his team.

    One must be surrounded by good talent to achieve all three. LSU offers a better opportunity.
    1 person likes this.
  7. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    the "surprise everyone" has been misunderstood by all

    he was simply saying that he hasn't even told his immediate family of his decision, and that everyone will be surprised when he wasn't the best use of words there
  8. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Exactly! My cousin heard the clip on 870 and it's been taken out of context (me included until after I talked to my cousin on the phone). We were chatting on MSN and he told me what was said. I immediately thought..ut oh! But after talking to him on the phone he said it didnt sound like his decision would be surprising but he was just going to wait and not tell anyone, including his family, until signing day. Hence the surprise.
  9. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Re: Consider the light shed

    You can't compare Warren going to a powerhouse like Michigan to McKnight going to Ole Miss. One is a lateral move and the other is quite insane.
  10. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Thank you. Hopefully we stop hearing about that nonsense.

    The record has been clearly stated now. Go tell everyone.

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