1. She tried. Joe McCarthy refused to seat Republicans on the committee to try to stymie the investigation.
    Winston1 and rockwallfan like this.
  2. given that trump stole that election with the help of the russians, wouldn those attacks be justified? or is it just fine with you the russians destroyed our democracy?
  3. actually, no. why? the guy is incapable of telling the truth. he lost. and he's always said the only way he could lose was if the election was rigged. he lost, and in battle ground states run by republicans for the most part. georgia had 3 recounts. guess what? he lost every time. he is the biggest threat to our country. so no, i am not distraught about trump not having his platform to lie at all.
    Winston1 likes this.
  4. the russians probably helped but the adults in the room didn't contest the election. clinton conceded. btw, do you by chance remember one of the candidates from the 2016 election ask for russia's help to find emails? which candidate was that? and what happened soon after to that could only benefit the candidate who asked for russia's help? so, yes, i get your point. and i totally agree with you for once.
    Winston1 and seabrookcajun like this.
  5. it was a narrow victory, surely he would have lost without the russians eh?
  6. Is that why they tried to impeach him? Is that not contesting his presidency?
  7. Impeaching is not an insurrection. Big difference. One is legal, one is not.
    Winston1 likes this.
  8. hmmm…. upset that fox is not properly reporting ‘news’ but cannot recognize or understand your implicit bias….
  9. why arent any of the rioters being charged with insurrection?
  10. At no point did Trump ask anyone to do anything illegal. He even asked the crowd to be peaceful before they turned into a riot.