I never was sold on muschump even as a DC and I'm still not. Bricks resume is not impressive at all and neither were his short stints as DC.
I'll agree with this. I know many have mixed feelings on a Brick hire. Still a ways to go before this happens, if it happens.
Someone from within the program , Brick Haley or Corey Raymond . They know our players and they know the system we have . Yes either one may want to tweet the system , to make it better . Someone from outside will want to bring in a new system . It will take at least half a season for the players to get that system right . But then , what do I know ? I am just a fan , and worse than that a guitar picker . GEAUX TIGERS !
I dont even know what to think anymore. In fact, I dont give a shit about the D. I have zero faith the O will improve.