So, my kid is on a flag football team and I am coaching them. We have a kid that can flat out get it, I mean fly like the wind. Hayden is playing wide out and we tried more than a few times to get him the ball. Close but no cigar so when it came crunch time I was like "Ok DJ, just take the snap and take off" they couldn't catch him anyway. So after the game I get the stink eye from my kid. I'm like hey dude, we won, what is up with you. His reply was absolutely classic. "Yeah, we won, but you turned into Les Miles with all that running crap"
He was pissed. He was like Dad, what happened to you, I'm your kid and what do you do? Run DJ Run. I can't believe you turned into Les. I literally had tears in my eyes from laughing
It's coaching 101. If you have a player the other teams cannot stop, you run them until they do stop them.
You should have said, if I were Les you wouldn't be playing on my team, you would have committed elsewhere.
Just like in basketball - at the end of the game you put the ball in your best player's hands and hope he scores. But that's a funny story. Thanks for sharing.
It was hilarious but also another example of how much they really do pay attention. I probably need to tone it down because there is no doubt I got the dumbed down answer and not what was actually in his head.