Score please inform us of WTF is going on. Should we be worried about RP or not? If this pans out it would be terrible for LSU. Not so much in the controversy factor as much as the no QB after flynn factor. " Federal and school officials cautioned, however, that Perrilloux, who arrived on campus two years ago as one of the nation’s most sought after recruits, has not been accused of any crime and has not been arrested. " "Federal authorities, speaking on background, said it did not appear Perrilloux was a serious target of an investigation but noted it would take some time to unravel the situation. Rumors of Perrilloux’s imminent arrest also are false, they said. " Someone on the Rivals board said this: "Some of you may know I have a few sources close to the program and within the program. I talked to one of these people tonight and he didn't know what was going on exactly, but the police went to his place in B.R. on Monday. My source doesn't know why. My source did say that he is certain the person in questions cousin is heavily involved in the investigation. My source doesn't think our guy would have anything to do with it with such a bright future, but he said he is praying a lot about it. He tried calling our guy a few times the other day, but he didn't answer. A few of the guys on the team spoken to don't think RP would be involved in such a scam. I am keeping my fingers crossed. FWIW, he also says we are getting JM, CJ, and TT."
If true that is worth alot. Two five star and one more four star. Would help lessen the sting of JR leaving. We are just going to have to wait and let the RP "situation" (which is all that it is at this point) unravel.
Uhhhh huh. and when you go to the casino, it's always better to pay with a real credit card. Not the bogus kind. That's just the way I roll.