It's unfortunate that so many professors are like this, but it truly is nation-wide. A professor at Tulane told his students some similar comments the day after 9/11. Luckily, I find LSU's professors to be much more intelligent and not near as bias. are now officially the Grammer police of the forum. wear your badge proudly. by the way sourdoughman...isn't this guy a professor at Colorado?????????? :dis: he wrote this paper and nobody noticed he made this comment until he was invited to speak at another university and some 9/11 families protested him.
the term is grammar/spelling "nazi". i like to help. lately i have been seeing people use the words "prejudice" and "bias" improperly. for example. people say "i am not prejudice", and that is odd, i dunno where they got that. same thing with bias, they do not like to say "biased" or "prejudiced". incidentally, i encourage correction of me too.
Sort of oxymoronic, isn't it, o flawless one? I mean why would one need to? :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: