LSU needs a vaunted passing attack ... Offense LSU can play good dee blindfolded ... with their current playbook I'd give one or even both testicles to watch an LSU team put up the kinda numbers that Texas Tech puts up in a college FB game ... 50 passes a game ... and when you do run ... you bust 'em for 10 yards a pop LSU needs a ... Steve Spurrier "type" Can't believe I said that ... wtf ... That Hal Mumme clone is coaching Tech now ... whatz hiz name ... BJ Symons broke every GD passing record on the planet last year ... Mike Leach ... Yeah ... what the hell's wrong with Mike Leach? He's better than Mack "Buster" Brown ... How many points did Brown's crew score on Oklahoma this year? ZERO How many points did Leach's crew score on Oklahoma this year? 13 Leach's team whooped Nebraska back into Stone age football ... 70-10 ... get a shovel Butch Davis :dis: Jeeeeeeeeeeeeezus, I'll go on a long siesta from LSU FB Tedford is decent ... maybe even Ferentz ... Skipper could sign up Leach ... cheap ... and keep Muschamp with a nice raise ... it'd be one helluva exciting team chunking the rock about 40-50 times a game ... with about 400+ yards passing a game and still running for 150 yards a game ... Ahhhhhhh, just dreamin' ... Nobody at LSU has any offensive imagination anymore ... They'll probably get some NFL DC schmuck and we'll get another 3-4 years and out FLOP posting 5-3 SEC records :dis:
I'd rather the head coach be offensive minded and have a quality defensive coordinator. I'd love it if Muschamp could somehow be kept on staff to be the defensive coordinator. The style of defense Saban ran through Muschamp was outstanding. Muschamp is young and talented. Those of you who think he was a mere figurehead are foolish. muschamp has learned from one of the best and would do a fine job.
did you eat paint chips as a child??? :shock: :shock: :grin: I've never seen anyone get as fired up for every single post as you do. :thumb: :thumb:
Defense. It's just my personal choice. I rather have the Tigers playing smash mouth hard nosed football than a PAC10 style attack. Great long term programs are always built on D, so for me I hope the next HC has a similar style as Saban. My only fear is that we may go back to the days when fans cared more about passing stats than wins.