I was very disturbed and disgusted when I read this article, never in a million years would I ever be able to forget something like this happening. We think we have it bad here, this is the worst ever. http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/09/12/1382073.aspx
This wasnt meant to be political, but once again you showed your uncanny ability to cheapen the true story here.
So it would have been better to kill them at birth? Not defending it. Are you having reading comprehension problems?
Actually I was refering to the fact of the freedom we have here opposed to them being killed for trying to get married.
I was referring to the hypocricy of being horrified at the prospect of them being killed for wanting to get married while supporting a candidate who supports killing them for trying to get born.
I try to understand horrors like this in relation to a person's belief system but it just doesn't add up. We have to go back thousands of years to find it commonplace. Try as I might, I just can't reconcile Islam with the modern world's value of life. We are very lucky to have been born in this part of the world.
Still not the point like i said you try to politicize everything when its not necessary at every little turn, you are wise enough to realize, apply it sometimes. Thats why its called choice, you cant tell people what to do with their own bodies. Its not your place or mine.
Dead is dead. It doesn't matter who is doing the killing. And why do the cops always try to stop suicde attempts? Hint: Ask about Capital Punishment. That's killing I can condone.