My transmission has blown up quite a few times during summer weekends. Had to go see great gradmaw in florida, she wasn't doing too well.
I called my husband (then boyfriend)'s work and told them that his mom had fallen and we think her leg was broken. I feel terrible about it now! I had to call in sick after the Saints v Texans game in November because I was majorly hung over. Claimed to have a 24 hour virus.
I work from home, so if it's a hangover day, I don't need to call in. I can just stay in bed and respond to everything via my blackberry. I only use sick days if I want to play golf or some other activity where I don't want to be available.
Well now that the game is scheduled for 1:00 BR time, it is time to upgrade the calling in excuse list for the benefit of the poor souls who kneaux not! Salmonella from California tomatoes cannot be argued with. :nope:
Years and years ago when I was managing a big seafood restaurant on the Gulf Coast, my most important cook called in on a Friday night. Friday was the busiest night of the week and we were booked solid....I was on the verge of panic. "Greg," I said, "You know how much I need you tonight. What's so important?" Greg was honest. He said, "Well, wife is gonna get pregnant tonight, and I'd like to be there." I said, "See you tomorrow, Bro!"ldskule:ldskule:
I once called in sick because I was in a plane crash. When Mr Weed caught me at the Red Sox game with my family I explained that the plane crash turned out to be gas. Or was that something from the Family Guy?