in a mere 10 years. Time for me to start preparing. I'll take suggestions.
I think they have an actual chance at success, but it won't be from a migration. It would happen by way of native South Carolinians. Might take a bit longer than 10 years, though.
Actually, I know a little about this. You would crap your pants if you knew how much the lots in these communities were selling for. The growth around there cannot be explained. There are some very powerful people at work here and some serious money is beinig floated around. SERIOUS money. As far as the statements from rex's quoted article, I'm sure they don't want to reinstitute slavery and who doesn't want to do away with more taxes. The citizenship laws in this country will be changed very soon. I believe well before my young ones are old enough to vote. I just wish they would hurry up. We must put an end to illegals having children over here and those children being made citizens. That's their angle, and I agree with it.
sweet i hope this christian thing works and christians flock there because i own a bunch of land in south carolina. these christians are gonna make me rich.
Man, you just don't know. I'm talking 50% and 60% profits in just 3 months. I've never seen anything like it. I wish I would have bought back in Jan. 55k would make you 125k today. They're starting up another subdivision in a few weeks.
What's so scary about it? They are trying to reform a state by using democracy. It's not like they are taking up arms and attacking S. Carolina to force them to reform to Christian ideals.
It's scary that they think like this. I've heard that Muslims have the same tactic and it appears to be working - no European countries (save for England) want to take on muslim countries because they would lose their muslim voters. I don't like the idea of religion dictating people's opinions period, much less laws that affect other people who live in South Carolina. Believe me, I know it happens any way because so much of this country is christian, but these aren't normal folks with a mass accepted ideology just getting along, they are people on a mission and I've seen how dangerous religous people on a mission can be.