It's all coming clear now. Woodward told Libby about the agents name which was common knowledge in Washington. Wait, I thought Rove did all of this? bahahahahahaha Given the fact that the conversations in issue -- the one with Tim Russert and the one with Bob Woodward -- were separated by less than two weeks, and that officials like Mr. Libby juggle literally hundreds of matters on a daily basis, it is entirely plausible that he confused the two reporters. There certainly was no possible reason for him to mislead Mr. Fitzgerald on this issue, since the point he was trying to make, originally to the FBI investigators in October 2003, and later on to the grand jury, that Valerie Plame's identity was known to a reporter who imparted it to him was equally compelling, no matter what the identity of that reporter. In light of these facts, it is at least doubtful whether a reasonable jury would find Mr. Libby guilty.