Accepting a BCS berth knowing that Auburn beat you and Florida. I know some LSU folks must know in the heart they got beat at Auburn and any BCS berth is almost fraudulent.
Scroo you, bra. Feeling dirty? If you really want to go that way, then I'll tell you that I might feel dirty after I get it on with your old lady. :lol:
Not at all. Lets look at it this way: LSU's only TWO losses this year were to TOP 10 ranked teams ON THE ROAD! (LSU faced top 10 ranked teams in ALL of it's road games this year--one HELL of a schedule. We broke even with a 2-2 record in those 4 games.) Only the FL loss for LSU was clearly definitive. The Auburn game was a JOKE. :angryfire Auburn's only two losses this year were to [then] UNRANKED teams ON IT'S OWN FIELD. Neither of those games were close. I believe Auburn was pretty much manhandled in both of those games. So no, there is nothing "fraudulent" about it! Sorry to say, you aren't going to find many people to agree with you on this board about that. Whats fraudulent is Auburn still ranked after those losses! :rofl::rofl:
Ok, I'll be serious for a minute. Why should anyone on a fan board feel bad about anything or anyone? We have played well at the end of the season. Well enough to move up in all the polls. We beat the SEC West champ, who may end up being the SEC champ, and we did so on the home field late in the season. There is nothing to feel dirty about, nor apologize for. If you have a problem, Awbarn fan, take it up with the polls, and send a letter to the Tournament of Roses. Get off our backs. We didn't do anything to you. Sour grapes, man. Geez... :dis:
If you want to discuss fraudulent, let's discuss that "People's Championship" the year y'all bought National Championship rings and declared yourselves the "People's Champions" after going undefeated and not even playing in the Championship game. Or that High School Homecoming parade of sorts you participated in thereafter? What a stupid phuck to toss out fraudulent after that episode. :rofl:
tiga... I dont think you sleep! THe Eufala Tribune also granted AU a championship:rofl: and the Daughters of the American Revolution:rofl: and the American Dental Association of Alabama:rofl:... Ha ha... what a load of crap
Yeah, sure, for about 5 seconds.... ..... ...... ...... ...nope, sorry, only 3 seconds. :rofl: :rofl: Have a good time at the Cotton (or worse), Aubie! You'll need more than Under Armor(tm) to stay warm in Dallas in the winter. I hope Summerall stays off the sauce long enough to finish your game!:thumb: and btw... GEORGIA?!!?!!?! I mean C'MON! UGA lost to Kentucky! and Vandy!
The only thing that makes me feel dirty is the smell of urine when you attend a game at Auburn. Oh and the smell of dirty refs. You oughta be ashamed to even show your face here seeing as though the SEC refs are the reason we are not at the SEC chapionship game this week. Dont you need to go put new sheet metal on the gaping hole in your trailer!!!