THis was just emailed out by WJBO, "ESPN Radio is reporting that LSU will be invited to play in the Rose Bowl. ESPN says several unnamed sources on the BCS selection committee have confirmed that LSU will get the invitation. The offical word won't come until Sunday night at 7pm on FOX 44 and WJBO." Is this true? Then we are a lock right?
From the Boston Globe. I'll paste the entire article, in violation of TF, so everyone won't have to register on their website. Shoot me, mods!:hihi:
Slide to the Sugar? I'm sure some officials with the Sugar Bowl would beg to differ. I don't see it as a slide. I know..."Granddaddy of them all". That is just media hype. The Grandaddy was locked for years and the BCS finally allowed them to bring in some good games. I'm Keith Jackson still doing Rose Bowl gmaes?
WHOA NELLIE!! The USC - UT Rose Bowl was Keith's last. The bad news is that Brent "You're Looking Live" Nasalberger replaced him.