The Tea Party will DOOM the Republicans. Period. Moderate Independents, whom really decide All elections, will never embrace the rhetoric of doom and hate. The ability of Tea Party whackos to win Republican primaries only demonstrates how far right, away from center, the party has shifted.... to its extreme detriment. Sooner or later well balanced and well thought out positions are needed to run and to govern successfully. While saying "this or that sux" is fun, it does not equate to governing. That is the problem.
Ignorant liberals who have no idea what the Tea Party is about, or who is involved in the movement is the problem. Your characterization of the tea partiers as "whackos" is no different than if you referred to the NAACP as "a bunch of dumb n******.
Tell us what the Tea Party is about, O Reasonable One. A six-pack of Mexican beer says you don't have a clue. Are you actually denying that the TP is moving the GOP to the right?
I'm saying the tea party is regular Americans who are fed up with Obama's vision for America. It was spawned by Obamacare and Obama's disregard for the will of the people.
I say that they are republicans fed up with democrats and republicans alike and they intend to displace as many of both as they can. You still don't understand how elections work, do you? We elect representatives and they make laws based on their campaign promises. It's absolutely the will of the people. The teabaggers are fed up with government spending and guess what? Most of the national debt we have at present and much that is coming in the future was put there by Republicans. The TP is not attracting democrats at all (5%) and not many independents either (15%). LINK
No. YOU don't understand. A President doesn't have to succumb to the will of the people, but he has to acknowlege it and not treat Americans like they are idiots who don't know what's good for them. He is an arrogant bastard who is about to have his ass handed to him.
Are you fool enough to think a democrat elected on a democratic landslide with a democratic congress and a campaign promise to enact health care reform is "treating Americans like idiots" just because he isn't pursuing the republican agenda you favor? How naive can you get? Watch something bedsides FauxNews now and then and learn something . . . this country is closely split on health care. He's not running, Jethro.
He was elected by 53% of the voters. 70% are against Obamacare. But the source of his power is running, Goober.
Most recent polling data I see is Rasmussen and they have it at 61% Against, 33% For.. Not exactly split closely.. just sayin'. Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™