Will Sept. 4 Put Webster on the Heisman Map?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by max, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. max

    max Founding Member

    Fact: Webster will return kicks against Oregon St.
    Fact: Webster has 14 INTs in the last two seasons
    Fact: Anderson threw 24 INTs last season
    Fact: S. Jackson is not in the Beaver backfield
    Fact: College Gameday and national broadcast on ESPN
    Question: Will Webster get time at WR in the game?
    Prognostication: If Webster plays offense, defense, and ST and if Webster catches a touchdown pass, has an INT, and has a big kickoff return, he might get some early mention in the Heisman race.
  2. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    I really hope he doesn't play at wr or on special teams.

    It would be fun to watch but I can't stand the thought of something happening to him
    during an offensive play or on special teams.
    Our defense wouldn't be the same without him and that is the key to our team this year.

    I think we have enough depth at wr that we probably won't need him there.
  3. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    2-3 picks would be a really sweet start ... you just know he's gonna get at least 1 ... and maybe even a fumble recovery ... let Green run those kicks back ... he'll be ready.
  4. geauxscott

    geauxscott Founding Member

    hopefully Green will be ready but even if he is, he will have to have someone back there with him. That person would be Shyrone but due to his suspension don't be surprised to see Webster and Green returning kicks for the first 3 games.
  5. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Last time I checked, punts were returned by 1 man ...

    ain't gonna be too damn many kickoff returns by LSU in the first 3 games ...

    but we know due to game rules there will be at least 3 :yelwink2:
  6. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    I thought I saw something a while back about Doucet or Carter getting a look at returning kicks? We have plenty of talented athletes where we can stick a quality guy back there, but experience is a big plus for a punt returner. I think it has something to do with 11 guys fliying down field to knock your head off while you're looking up in the air trying to catch the ball.

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