since i asked everyone about steroids, thought i would ask how you feel about mary jane. Will it ever be legalized? Should it be legalized? If so, why, if not, why?
Legalizing it would only take the fun out of it. So they say...:shock: j/k Other countries have legalized the same and what has come is a major drop in connected crimes. Taxation has not been part of the thought process however in countries where it is legal there are still limits on quantities you may have in possession. Taxing pot promotes illegal sales which defeats the purpose of legalizing it. With no taxes, it will probably never be legal in the states IMO.
I just say treat it just like you treat tobacco and alcohol. You don't see very many people on street corners selling bootleg alcohol or bathtub beer.
Correct but you also create new crimes by doing so. Look at it this way, Marijuana, legal or not has become a self sustained industry for EVER. The punishment nationally have decreased over the last few years allowing for larger quantities to be considered "with intent to sale". A quarter ounce in California is a misdemeanor where as 10 years ago you could add 10 years to a sentence. Now it is a ticket! Legalize it and then tax it is just finding new ways to put folks in jail. Putting folks in jail for sh!t crimes is a huge problem. Folks want high grade sh!t. Last thing users want is uncle sugar putting limits on how good you may be able to legally obtain. Case in point; shine is still illegal, but don't tell the vol nation... I am not saying don't tax it, just that doing so does not necessarily work. You will always have home growers, taxing it will only increase the home crops.
the more percentage the thc the more you charge for it. the more percentage the thc the less harmful it is because you arent smoking as much of it. marijuana is a 36 billion dollar a year enterprise. Deficit meet weed.
I believe it will eventually become a state's right issue, where they can chose to legalize it or not. Several states will, but the bible belt won't.
you mean after they legalized it, they saw a drop in possession and distribution arrests? Gee, what a coincidence. I'm in different. I don't smoke it, but know several people that do. I have no problems with them smoking it (as long as it ain't around my kids). If the gub'ment could figure out a way to control and tax it, they would. I just don't think they ever figured out a way for them to still get their cut.
Not exactly what I meant. Small example; the majority of marijuana sold in border states come from Mexico, which is imported by way of the Mexican drug mafia. This same mafia is currently murdering their own police and their families. The drug war in Mexico is an active, physical, bloody war that has taken over their country. Remove Marijuana from their export crops and you sustain their efforts in trying to manage that war. A beautiful blonde girl goes missing a year ago from San Diego county. Her body was discovered in a back seat between two Mexicans trying to cross the border. They had slit her down her front and stuffed her cavity with marijuana. There is a ton of statistics in Europe now showing declines in related crimes as a result of legalization. I smoked when I was a kid so I have never been against it but this is an interesting debate, which so far is more about taxing it then legalizing it. I am reading other debates now and truly, this could very well go on forever however I have yet to read anything that would make me rethink why it should remain illegal.
You guys are crazy. We are all too stupid to know what is good for us. The government will always guide us idiots through by keeping weed illegal.