Dude no understanding why anyone in America look at any player who had 9 rushes for 2 yards & call him A Beast. BTW, you seem upset & likely need to be medicated.
Because, yunno, nobody can improve with effort and time. Get real, tap. There is a lot of praise for Curry this camp and until he proves differently, you are talking out the side of your neck.
You know who else got a lot of Praise coming from out of O's camps? Alonso " Tae" Provens & Jonathan Giles & the "Ultimate Offensive Lineman", Badara Traore. Accused of rape - off team, transfer & languishing in English 1001 for the 2nd time. And LSU fans obsession with a Cameo song continues..and not even a good one.. This is betta
According to this board, all Miles players are either Bums or my favorite...."underutilized". NFL people belaughing at LSU NegaMiles folk. I didn't know players could hang out for over 5 years each in the NFL without being very talented, n some way. Specer Ware & Jeremy Hill both All-SEC players. So not elite?
That sounds like a chink in the DBU armour. Wonder if it's the inexperienced freshman? Or possibly O's previously mediocre LBer recruiting? How else could he get past them all-srar LBer's? Chugged right through to the hole where Devon White used to be.. Do I want to tackle him? No, but I'm guessing one of these SEC backers will sweep the leg.