So I listen to a podcast called Dan Carlin's hardcore history, and he has this 5 part series on Genghis Khan. It's actually really cool and informative and it raises this question. Alexander the Great, Julius Ceasar, The Great Khan, there are many rulers in history who were responsible for the the slaughter of people, some way more than Hitler. Will humans some day look back and see Hitler differently? When people talk about Khan, and Alexander, and Ceasar, etc they talk about the great things they did, sure they add in the slaughter of people but people don't think of these 3 men as evil spawns of Satan like they do Hitler. I think Hitler was evil, but will time be kind to him in the future? Will he be seen as more of a conqueror than a crazed lunatic?
Really you don't think so? 500 years from now (if humans still even exist) you don't think enough time will have passed to where he is seen in the same light as an Alexander or a Khan? I'm pretty sure Khan and Alexander were responsible for the deaths of way more people too. The Mongols generally killed everyone, man woman child, especially if they resisted. They wiped out entire races. But Genghis is on Mongolian money. Historians see him as a great conqueror not the spawn of Satan like Hitler is seen today.
It's all about perspective, I guess there is a chance but you have to take into account the prominence of the Jews in today's world. They will not let it go quietly
Carlin has suffered quite a bit of criticism with this train of thought. Genghis Khan has never been thought of as much other than a ruthless conqueror and slaughterer. He is quite comparable to Hitler. But Alexander and Napoleon were quite different. Alexander had not embarked on a vast campaign of racial purification and replacement. Quite the opposite--he wanted to integrate the cultures into his empire and did so successfully. Hitler was different than all of them in another way. Millions died under Mongol conquest, mostly from starvation, but also from mass killings of people that resisted the invasions. But Hitler killed millions of his own people and specific people of already-subjugated populations in genocidal ethnic cleansing in numbers unheard-of. Hitler accomplished no "great things" at all.
No way Hitler is every remembered fondly. His evil was too organized and planned. It's one thing for a savage horde to ride roughshod over a population raping, burning & looting and killing. Quite another to organize murder on an industrial scale and make an entire nation your accomplices.