Why even start our "gamebreaker" against such a crappy team? Im not one of those fans who complain about everything, but addai seems to be our bread and butter, why take a chance of injuring him? Why not give the UNT game to carey and vincent... did our coaching staff have ANY doubts that this game would be close? Is that why they started Joe? I can totally understand why they started our 1st string receivers because I really believe they need to get their flow in check, but addai? I don't understand it.... any sensible answers?
Because you have to win... Why are you not complaining about the other 21 starters who started and DIDNT get hurt... It is sort of weak to single out the coach for playing the ONE guy who got injured And let me clear up, is NOT hurt seriously... The real dumb move would have been to force him back into the game, and that wasn't done, so why is there a problem here?
Starting a game is a privilege. You start Addai because he is a football player who earned the right to start. I would doubt that he or any other starter would go to a coach and say, "This game isn't a big deal, why don't you let someone else start." Addai would probably beat someone with a stick if his spot was just "given" away, even for just one game. It is all about the competition.
not really a problem, just one of my georgia friends mentioned that he heard addai was hurt... and it got me thinking, thats all... I asked him how that florida game went? :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:
Right on Deceks! Addai is our starter. He starts unless he is injured & would have played until we got the comfortable lead had he not been hurt during the game. Getting playing time for the other guys is important, but keeping a rhythm with your starters is also very important.
It depends, the coach has to make a call. If its a minor sprain, you let him keep playing this week and limit his carries as a precaution. If it is a major sprain, you hold him out for a game to recover. They seem to be calling it a minor sprain.