Shyrone Carey, to small and to slow to turn the corner. Why is he in the game with Broussard and Addai and Vincent on the bench?
Crowder is one of the best players in the nation... and Carey is a damn good running back. I have no porblem with him being in, although Addai played a hell of a game tonight.
The unspoken rule is to let the ball go if it's gonna hit within the 10 yd wasn't that big of a deal....
Shy gave a hell of an effort tonight....he was hitting holes and running hard. That is something Vincent has not done this year. Don't know why..just has not happened.
How can anyone be down on Shyrone Carey? What a stupid thread - Carey played well and he doesn't put the ball on the ground. Also, he was granted another year of eligibility and will be the senior leader of this bunch next year. Carey is mega-talented and I assure all of you that he will play a much bigger role in the future...