I grew up a fanatic loyalist to the GOP, and I see that many of you are still fanatic loyalists to the GOP. Why is that? How did you not grow out of thinking that one party offered you all the answers? Should I go back to being a member of the GOP cult? Should I go back to thinking that the GOP is the best, no matter what? If so, why?
There are people here that are obssessed with the GOP, much worse than Obama followers are obssessed with Obama, right? I'm wondering why these people feel so religious about the GOP. The Christian faith doesn't even get the love the GOP gets from these people. I'm wondering how these people got like that.
They didn't because the two aforementioned sentences aren't close to being true. People take offense when one degrades another to raise someone on their side. The original party gets agitated and then proceeds to combat the rebuttal by starting ridiculous conversations. Happens everyday, especially in this forum.
You don't think this is true: 1) There are people here that are obsessed with the GOP, much worse than Obama followers are obsessed with Obama 2) The Christian faith doesn't even get the love the GOP gets from people on here. What leads you to think that? It's pretty obvious that there are people here that are obsessed with the GOP much worse than Obama followers are obsessed with Obama -- and it is pretty obvious that the GOP has more fanatic loyalists on here than the Christian faith has... what makes you think otherwise?