I cant stand DUKE fans they make me sick w/all that hopping up and down all game long (r@p. If any of you guys are out there hop on this.:thumb:
many prob. dont even know about this site. maybe we should post a link on their forums.....then again...maybe not
Its been quiet around here since football is over. We need some more drama. Bring em on!! :geauxtige LSU! :champs:
Well, when you consider that Duke is a BASKETBALL ONLY school, and our recent history hasn't exactly put us in the upper echelon of college basketball, they view beating us as "expected"....Losing to us after coming here mouthing off does them NO GOOD considering they only have basketball to be proud of. In basketball, a Duke win over LSU is, in my mind, equivalent to...oh, I don't know....let's say an LSU win over Louisville in football.