I'm a fiscal conservative and believe in hard work and limited government. But despite that, why does the south rank the last in everything good (education, health, mortality, infrastructure) and ranks first in everything bad (obesity, pollution)? And that's not even mentioning the social conservatism part. For a region that is so big on family and the bible, the south ranks much higher on crime and has a much higher divorce rate than their atheist northern counterparts.
The simple answer to your question is that the South lost the civil war.....industry won out over agriculture and the financial powerhouse that is Wall Street is located in the North. Add all that together and unless you are Texas and have oil or Florida and have tourism....South isn't left with many advantages except warmer weather. Thoughts?
The South is poor for many reasons. Mainly because of lack of education, but also because it is the Bible belt (both go hand-in-hand). Even those in the Deep South who are college educated went to college in the South and are indoctrinated just the same. If you get your education in New York City, they will strip you of all of this nonsense. The lack of education in the South is to blame for the poverty, racism, teenage pregnancy, bigotry, health, mortality, obesity and all of the other things that plague our region.
I don't really think so, CS. If one truly gets educated, some of that Bible belt mentality leaves the person. I read the FB feeds of some of the people I went to high school with and can't believe they really believe some of the seemingly "religious" things they write.