I get a letter in the mail saying I owe a debt because a let insurance fall off a truck I haven't owned in years and I also haven't been a resident of Louisiana since 2012.... Sold the truck in 2013 AFTER I registered and insured in Texas........ There is 1 number and it doesn't work......
Computers search produce odd results in the output. The Louisiana Revenue Dept. sent me a letter telling me that they had no tax return from me for last year but that I had sent one to the feds. I did all my taxes electronically and sent them the email verification that I did. Not good enough, they lost it. I had to print out a 65-page paper copy of my return and send it to them. Never heard another word. I hope they are still typing that fucker in by hand.
I got a ticket for not wearing a seat belt in Raleigh. Fine was over $230. It's $37 in Louisiana. Since I was leaving North Carolina in a few days I didn't pay it. A couple of years later when I went to renew my Louisiana driver's license they said there was a hold on it from North Carolina. I contacted the court in Raleigh and then they wanted about $450. They told me how to pay it online but their website didn't work. After trying for a couple of days and not being able to pay it my Louisiana License was going to expire that day. I went back to the DMV to get a state ID card so at least I could go to the bank and stuff like that. The woman at the window said there was no hold on my license, so I renewed it. Fuck You North Carolina. If the ticket had been something reasonable I would have paid it in the first place
I pay the out-of-state tickets, whether I think it was fair or not. Sooner or later I will drive through that state again and if I get pulled over, I do not want a bench warrant for my arrest waiting for me.
I'm not saying the ticket was unfair. I wasn't wearing my seat belt. I almost always wear it but I was leaving a business and was only going about 100 feet before I was going to turn off the road into a parking lot. What was unfair was the amount of the ticket. It's not even a moving violation.
If you got caught by a red light camera it's possible that technically it's not a violation of a traffic ordinance. The cameras are installed, maintained and monitored by contracted private companies. I know that in Louisiana tickets like that don't go on your driving record. They can sue you if you don't pay but I haven't ever heard of anybody being sued. Those things should be unconstitutional. Unless they get a picture of you driving at the time how can they even prove it was you? Could have been your kid, a friend or an employee driving your vehicle. There was one in Lafayette where a guy got a camera ticket. It said his vehicle was a Ford. He was driving a Chevy
Just FYI, I suspect you WILL get a reply and a bill for this "scam". I have been through this before when they claimed I didn't file a tax return. I finally had to file an appeal with the Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals to get this settled.