Winning this game will improve his chances of getting the starting position next season, but it will still most likely be Russell's. And in all honesty, losing this game won't really decrease his chance of winning the starting position either. Whether Flynn transfers or not depends on what he wants out of his college career. If Flynn wanted to be the starting QB for a small-time school, he would have committed to one back in high school. Flynn picked LSU knowing that Russell was committing & that we would continue to recruit highly ranked QBs. His Dad was a QB at Baylor, so his family knows the decision all to well, yet he still chose LSU. I don't think Flynn will transfer.
He has NO chance of starting next year, unless Russell can't play. Russell will be gone after next year Flynn will have his shot as a Senior.
Why would Flynn think he'd be the starter next year if he won? One win to beat out Russell after a ten win season? He's apparently not the smart QB if those the reasoning skills he's working with.
To take a bullet through both lungs and liver, rip an ACL, and still manage to be one of the most highly recruited High School players ever is quite amazing. I'm not saying he won't get sidelined again but once he takes over the starting QB spot it'll take a helluva lot to keep this kid down.
Back to Flynn- If LSU wins, Flynn will THINK that he can start next year. All of these guys are that competitive/confident. It doesn't matter if he will or won't start, just whether he thinks he might.
I agree with you that going 4 years without injury CAN be done--but you also have to realize that the guys that will be running after RP (be it next season or two years from now) aren't simply "high school kids" anymore. But, to pose the question, "Why won't Flynn transfer?" My answer is simply: Because he's a TEAM player.
So many posters like to gush about Flynn's intelligence and ability to read defenses. I'm assuming watching film is part of this. SO, assuming he watches film, he won't think he'll be the starter.