I always liked college football more than the NFL although I used to really enjoy the NFL. Then, I outgrew it. College football, with it's traditions and rivalries, is good as it gets. Sometimes I wonder what college football would be like if their were no scholarships.
Well if you could also take away the boosters you would have parody(sp) kind of like in the NFL today.
92,000 screaming fans, tailgating, playing for the name on your helmet and not the one on the back of your jersey, fight songs, alcohol, road trips, the option, no free agency, live mascots, rivalries, and true home field advantage.:thumb:
Passion and Tradition - None of which compares in the NFL - Green Bay maybe but the deep rooted history in CFB and the passion of its fans is unique. I have attended many NFL games mostly Cowboys games (Few saints) and 1 Cincy game. The stadium atmosphere compared to places like Tiger Stadium, or Auburn/Alabama or even the swamp pales in comparison. Only in college ball will you experience something like the Iron Bowl, or ND - Michigan. The Cowboys - 49er battles of the 90s were great, but they werent every year like LSU vs Ole Miss or the Iron bowl. Its just much better then the NFL from a fan standpoint.