Fly won't come back ... he's like Obtruder and the rest of the yapping little junkyards dawgs ... god luv 'em. I really get a kick out this trophy polishing rabble in here ...
ill say it ou is a push over. here are the facts. Up until the ou loss the toughest game they played was against Bama. Now, the game they brag about is them beating texas, hell Ark. smoked texas. The way i see it LSU rolled past bama and ark. ou is over rated. JW can not run. k state proved that. I see a close 1st quarter and then lsu will take charge. tiger d will put too much presure on a slow hurt J W.
Why are some folks giving OU no respect lately? Let's see . . . hmmmm . . . I KNOW!! Because Kansas State beat the hell out of them just last week?! Might that have something to do with it? :geaux: :lsug:
For your sake, I hope you are right. I am not overly confident. It would be one of the greatest sports moments in New Orleans and Louisiana history to win the title in the modern era in our backyard, which is something that most teams, including yours, could never do. Oh, and we won the title in 1908 as well, so we are working on #3, and I believe we have more national titles total than you do, even if not in football alone, so I wouldn't go resting on your laurels around here.
I'm listening right now to the local call in show and they are still calling this OU team the best ever and how they are gonna put Mauck on his back 'cause he's slow and can't run and how we're not gonna be able to have a running game, etc., etc.. They already have the game played, LSU waxed and rolled and the trophy put away. So, Fly, best go to your board and start convincing YOUR people to give US some respect! LSU, 2003 TEAM OF DESTINY!!! GEAUX TIGERS!!!! 2003 CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP, GOTONE?
Hey MiketheTiger69, This whole OU best team ever is really pissing me off............. I hope the players take this kind of stuff personnal and beat the piss out of OU. This could just be the best LSU team of all time but nooo kudos for us until after the big game. but I know they'll blame it on Mike Stoops leaving if they stink
Are we so low we have to point out grammar mistakes. Give the guy a break. He was educated in Oklahoma.
Sourdoughman, I'm up here in Sooner country and I'm just trying to keep you guys informed of what they are saying. Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger. I don't know if many of ya'll are old enough to remember what the old BRHS-Istrouma rivalry was like, but in this we are Istrouma (from the wrong side of tracks) and they are BRHS. I know I'm dating myself there but, but hey, you're as old as you feel, right? GEAUX TIGERS!!!!
MiketheTiger69, I'm glad your keeping us informed and I didn't mean for my post to point at you in any way. All I'm sayin is I'm tired of people and media talking about OU like thier the greatest team ever, Gods gift to Football. Notice they don't ever give us credit, or say LSU could be the greatest LSU team ever. I'm not pissed, but I hope we whip thier Ass so we don't have to hear how great OU is.