Just want to let you know that I got a good laugh out of it. You must spend all your time giving rep points to members at this forum just so you can give me red every other week or so. You got a long way to go to make up the difference so geaux for it! Learn to type paragraphs is what you say. I say quit being a wimp and be a man or woman and identify yourself. Really, if you want me to get red that badly because you have an axe to grind with me than you have a problem. I don't like this point system and never had since it has changed. Its a joke either way, people could slap each others back the other way or take out vendettas this way. Just a suggestion, fix the point system to where the name shows on red and doesn't show on green. What a joke, some people should get a life. Please understand, this is the third or fourth time, I said nothing after the first 2 or 3 weeks. Food for thought.
Why do you even care? Gahhh. Those of you who post complaining abotu pixels are the ones who should get a life.
Thanks for the advice, maybe I should get a life. I'm unemployed so first I need a job, a car, a family and then a house? I said that I didn't respond to the first or second phantom red dot. It was number 3, if I'd care that much for red I would've said something the first or second time. Its the principal of a phantom red dot that appears every week. I think I know who this individual is and will give him credit shortly. I gave you green by the way because thats the way I am, thanks for the Red Mr. Moderator and those other unforgiving souls. Wish me luck as I try and find a life!:lol: btw: I'm rather disappointed, the greens are ahead of the Reds, you guys need to try harder! 6-3 with 3 minutes left in the game!:hihi: :lol:
I don't give out points anymore, either way. So it isn't me. Just laughed when you said people giving you red had no life. Because you were complaining about something that is so silly. Oh, and I find it very amusing that you find the moderator stuff at all relevant.
So, its a good thing if people give Red with your name on it? Thats an interesting perspective, I believe Brett said not to do that anymore but people are? I find that interesting for what its worth. whatever... you are incorrect, that isn't what I meant. Talking about the same poster giving red for the same reason week after week.
I personally don't care if people give out red with my name on it. Because I don't care what people here think of me anyways. :thumb: However, Brett did inform people not to do it and they are violating his forum rules if they are doing it.
Maybe it was a typo!?! Like mistakenly typing "GRADIN99" instead of "NLMD!" :rofl: :rofl: BTW, this is a hilarious thread.
Yes, the most hilarious thing is that people are still giving red in other peoples names. I'm glad we established that, proves my point about how rediculous this mickey mouse system is. I'm going to take my kids to the park now so until next time. Bye Bye Btw Its not like I've been totally serious about this whole thread. I can take a joke on me, that is what some of my laughing faces is all about. I proved my point thanks to Graddin 99's comments.:yelwink2: Some of you people take this more serious than I really do!