With most of you on this board calling for Brady's head, then who would you want to come to LSU to coach and who would be available. Jeff Capel, Tim Floyd, Perry, Bobby Cremmins, one of those young mid major coaches, etc., etc. Who, I ask you, who would even want to come to LSU?
One of the up and comers with a lot of good things ahead of him is Gregg Marshall, Winthrop. You mentioned Bobby Cremins, now at College of Charleston. Marshall was their first choice. He accepted the job, then a day later backed out of it after meeting with the team. For a program that didn't make the NCAA's, at all, before he arrived he's taken Winthrop there 6 of the last 8 years. Lost by a bucket last year. In fact, that's one of my first round upsets for the NCAA's, Winthrop (11) over Notre Dame (5).
well, considering i expect brady to get another year this a moot point, but i like scott sutton. (oral roberts university's hc.)
There's a couple of great coaches that come to mind but why don't we give somebody new a shot. Why not go get Colis Temple. He is the reason people like Big Baby, Thomas, Mitchell, and Bass came here to begin with.:laflagwav If not him why not Calapari from Memphis playing in the CUSA he aint gonna get respect.
Coaching at Memphis or coaching in the CUSA? Which one of these "isn't going to get respect?" It can't be coaching at Memphis. U of M has what, a 30 win season, a #2 seed in the NCAA's? He's undefeated in conference play?!? I'd call that as much respect as one needs. CUSA may not get a lot of respect on the football field, but they do field some solid teams as well. (please, no Tulane jokes. :hihi: ). If you'll look back in history and look over the records of coaches like Dana Kirk and Larry Fintch at Mphs you'll see some nationally competitive teams. He's in a great recruiting area and has a good fan base when it comes to support.
I hate Duke but Johnny Dawkins is going to do great things wherever he ends up. The Wintrhrop coach is another good choice. I doubt LSU would go after someone with so little HC experience but the VCU coach would be a good choice, having worked under Jeff Capel and Mike K. This is all moot anyway because Brady will do just well enough to not get fired next year.
That's what he has done so far, but it doesn't look like he will field a much more talented team next year so we will see.