Let me be honest -- and I'm not trying to tick anyone off ... but I really don't give a flip about forum reputations or "newbies," and, it's pointless to speculate whether Saban is going or not, when it's painfully obvious he is to anyone in touch with reality. I am involved w/ this forum now b/c I am a diehard Tiger fan and I would love to get some informed info on who the next coach will likely be. With all due respect, I suggest everyone stop wishing irrationally for something that ain't gonna happen (Saban staying at LSU). For the umpteenth time, does anyone have any solid info on who Skip is looking at? I have no inside info but believe the coach will come from this list: Rodriguez, Chow, Hawkins, Tommy Bowden, Riley. I think it will be Riley or Rodriguez. Everyone would love to get an NFL giant like Shanahan, Gruden, or Del Rio, but does anyone have any solid indication that we could get one of those guys (which on its surface appears highly unlikely.) Any other candidates lurking out there, any darkhorses that no one has mentioned? Romeo Crennel? Mike Nolan? How about J.C. Curtis? Dennis Dunn? :tigerhead
I gotta believe first and foremost on Skip's list is current sitting college coaches. Not necessarily head coaches, even OCs like Chow would have to be considered. On the NFL level, I think the only viable alternative is Gruden. Del Rio isn't going anywhere, he will be getting a hefty raise after the Jaguars make the playoffs. If they melt down these next 2 weeks, then he is in play. But then who would be excited about a coach whose team just melted down and failed to make the playoffs? Holtz and Paterno are too old and the game has passed them by. I don't want to hear about Rodriguez, Bowden or Riley. You're setting the bar way too low. My list is: 1) Tedford 2) Chow 3) Butch Davis 4) Gruden Has Cal done anything regarding Tedford? Contract restructured, extended, etc? I haven't heard anything lately.
Long time lurker here. I have a feeling that Terry Robiskie is going to be considered because of his LSU ties and long time NFL coaching experience. However he does not have head coaching experience.
First of all Robiskie or Crennel are eliminated because they ar assistants and Skip said no NFL assistants. Oh, and thanks for starting the 50th thread about who LSU's next coach will be.
Yeah, instead we can get excited about a coach in Butch Davis whose team went 3-8 this year under his leadership and he resigned just before he was going to be fired.
Newsflash: Terry Robiskie is currently the interim head coach of the Cleveland Browns and one other time (Raiders or Skins, I recall), he coached in a similar situation. is he a long-time head coach? no. I think he may be interviewed as a courtesy, but not a serious candidate.