Who starts in game 1 for LSU in the CWS?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by islstl, Jun 13, 2004.


Who starts game 1 of CWS?

  1. Mestepay

    37 vote(s)
  2. Bumstead

    13 vote(s)
  3. Meier

    16 vote(s)
  4. Dirks

    1 vote(s)
  1. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    actually no, Im not just trying to be argumentative. It was 80 degrees at gametime when the clouds were out. They even announced it which is cold for this time of year. Humidity is always the same basically. Dude was overpumped and fell behind every batter which you cannot do. His pitch count would not afford him to the 5th inning at that rate. I think letting him start the 2nd game and let some of the nerves wear off would settle him in....just my 2 cents. He is the usual Sunday closer since hes started so maybe Smoke knows this...who knows. His stuff is as good as anyones at times.

    Yes, I know the errors cost him and definitely shoulda been out of the innings but the walks got him into the trouble. Starter has to be Justin or Lane IMO.

    great game today. we beat a great pitcher. He had his A game....whoever said he had a 5 era....that was his last 3 starts....this guy is a quality #1 pitcher for any 1A team.... He is nasty. Even if he had an 8 era dont let your eyes fool you....he was on today. great great win. this team has no weakness hitting top to bottom but great pitching does that.
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I do agree he would have settled down but his pitch count was high and we needed someone who could throw strikes and Determann (as mentioned before) is just that. Exactly what the team needed....defense wise also. They knew the ball would be in play with Jason and they as he did, stepped up.
  3. Jwho77

    Jwho77 Founding Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    Well, I do not agree with starting Meier in the first game in Omaha. I am sure he will be really pumped up after 2 weeks off and not having pitched in the Super Regional pressure cooker. In fact, he will likely be too pumped up, so I say go with Lane in game one, Bummy in game 2, and keep Meier and Determan ready at a moment's notice in the bullpen in both games. If he is not used (or used too much) in the first 2 games, Meier starts the 3rd game in Omaha.
  4. Jwho77

    Jwho77 Founding Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    Also, Meier was all-Cape Cod League as a reliever last summer and is said to have a "rubber arm," so having him play the long relief role if needed fits his talents well in Omaha. Of course, havign him start our 3rd game after two wins would really be sweet.
  5. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    great problem to have....maybe we dont have any top pro prospect starter....but we have 5 on one damn team our fans cant even decide who to start. enjoy this problem, guys. its a once in a decade or more problem to have. dirks/lane/justin/jason/nate not bad and always an option to turn to.

    I say Lane or Justin for game 1, Lane for #2 if not him and Nate for 3 regardless.
  6. Jwho77

    Jwho77 Founding Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    And all of those guys will be back next year except for Bummy, right? Add in at least a couple of good newcomers, and the staff will be in good hands in '05, too.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    think Lane coming back is a positive? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  8. Jwho77

    Jwho77 Founding Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    Well, maybe just a little. :hihi: :yelwink2:
  9. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Im a lil hyped up after the game so forgive me.... Lane's stuff has never been great and when he falls behind its almost batting practice but when he can locate (yes an overused term) he is deadly. Isnt it sweet to watch a guy with an 84 mph fastball throw a 69 mph offspeed pitch and be effective? I wont use the Maddux overused reference that every yahoo uses but this dude knows how to pitch. Its very refreshing....and to all the young kids who see how Lane beat a #1 draft pick in Jackson while Lane didnt get drafted at all cuz he pitched with his brain while the other guy goes home. gotta love baseball.
  10. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    Setting up the rotation will be different than ever before with the new format. Even a team in the winners bracket will need more arms than before with the best 2 out of 3 format for the championship round. It will be intersting to see how Smoke sets it up.

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