Who is your Top 4 TV College Football Broadcasters

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by carwashguy, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. carwashguy

    carwashguy Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2004
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    1. Vern Lundquist
    Tom Blackledge

    2. TIm Brandt
    Ed Cunningham

    3. Ron Franklin
    Mike Gottfried

    4. Brent Musburgar
    Gary Danielson
  2. Ellis Hugh

    Ellis Hugh Space Wrangler

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Rule #1: "The pardner". A person is picked to be the pardner at the beginning of the game. The first time Brent says "pardner", the pardner has to take 1 drink, and then picks someone else to be the pardner. The next time Brent says it, the new pardner has to take 2 drinks, and then pick a new pardner, and so on and so on. The pardner must wear a special "pardner" hat.

    Rule #2: "Folks" Everyone drinks 1 when Brent says "Folks". However, if Brent says "Hold on Folks", everyone must drink once but the first person to drink has to finish their drink for not holding on.

    Rule #3: "It's a foot race!". Whenever Brent says "It's a foot race" everyone has to finish their drink. The first one done becomes "That Man" and gets to punch the pardner in the arm.

    Rule #4: "There's that man again". After someone becomes "That Man", they get to give away 3 drinks to someone of their choosing the next time Brent says "That Man". That person then becomes "That Man". If Brent says "That Man" before "It's a footrace", The Pardner becomes That Man. If The Pardner becomes That Man first, he gets to punch the new That Man in the arm twice after giving away the 3 drinks. There must also be a special hat for "That Man".

    Rule #5: "Dr. Pepper". Everytime Brent says "Dr. Pepper" everyone has to yell out "I'M A PEPPER!" and take 2 drinks. Afterwards, each person must give out a satisfied "AAAAAAAHHHHH!", as if in a Dr. Pepper commercial. Anyone who fails to do so must drink again.

    Alternate Rule #5: "Budweiser". If the game is sponsered by Budweiser and not DP, Everytime Brent says "Budweiser" everyone has to yell out "THIS BUD'S FOR YOU!" and take 2 drinks. Afterwards, each person must say "TRUE", as if in a Budweiser commercial. Anyone who fails to do so must drink again.

    Rule #6: "Jack Arute". Whenever Brent says "Our ol' buddy Jack Arute" everyone has to say "AROOOOOOT!" Last one to do it has to do a shot. If everyone does it simultaneously, the pardner must do a shot.

    Rule #7: "In the college game". Whenever Brent says this little gem, everyone must say "Shut the **** up Brent", drink 2, and punch the pardner in the arm.

    Rule #8: Mentioning a Big 10 school during a non-Big 10 game. Whenever Brent does this, the first person who names the Big 10 school's mascot gets to make somebody drink for 11 seconds, since there's 11 schools in the Big 10.

    Rule #9: Calling a touchdown before the player actually scores. For example, during an interception return, Brent says "It's a touchdown!" before the player actually scores. In this case, everyone must start drinking and continue to drink until the player actually does score. If by some odd event, the player does NOT score, everyone must finish their drink.

    Rule #10: "Gary, my man". Whenever Brent says "Gary, my man", the pardner gets to choose someone to be Gary. From that point on, that person must be referred to as "Gary, my man" until the game is over. "Gary, my man" gets to give away 5 drinks the rest of the game any time Brent says "Gary, my man". If someone talks to "Gary, my man" without calling him that, they have to do a shot. If there is someone playing the game actually named Gary, that person is automatically "Gary, my man". Rule also applies to "Gary, My Friend", But Rule 14 still applies

    Rule #11: "The Major". If Brent has a pet nickname for one of the players during the game, for example calling Major Applewhite "The Major", everyone must drink 5 anytime Brent uses this nickname. However, "Gary, my man" does not drink but gets to give away 5 drinks since this person already has a nickname of their own.

    Rule #12: "John Saunders". The first time Brent quips with John Saunders, everyone must drink 1. The next time, everyone must drink 2, and so on and so on.

    Rule #13: In the booth. Whenever there's a camera shot of Brent in the booth, the pardner must make a toast to Brent. After the toast, everyone must drink 1

    Rule #14: "My Friend". Every pardner gets to choose a "Friend". The friend must always get up to get the pardner another drink (since the pardner will be doing quite a bit of that). However, when Brent utters "My Friend" the friend gets to punch the pardner in the arm for making him get up so much..
  3. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I hate BumBerger especially when he's doing SEC games. He gets all confused and just seems like a bumbling idiot going through the motions without doing his homework.

    Franklin is my favorite. He has a great voice and seems to capture the atmosphere of the game. Brandt is ok...sort of.
  4. carwashguy

    carwashguy Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2004
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    That is funny
  5. JoeReckless

    JoeReckless Founding Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    Funny stuff Ellis.

    Here are my favs to watch.

    Team 1. Ron Franklin - Mike Gottfried - Adrian Karsten

    Team 2. Bill Curry - Dave Barnett - Mike Golic

    Team 3. Lee Corso - Kirk Herbstreit - Mike Tirico

    I don't really care for any others.
  6. DeathValley

    DeathValley Founding Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    Herbstreit can get pretty old fast on Gameday but I think he does a nice job on Thursday Night football in the booth. This is one of the best announce teams out right now.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I would rather listen to my ex recap her soap opera for the month than listen to bill curry speak about anything. my god, he is the slowest, most outdated, boring announcer I have ever heard.

    besides him , i like your list.

    I like Blackledge w/o Vernnnnnnnnn.

    I like Corso and Company because I associate my lifelong anticipation to a college football game to ESPN and their buildup of it though of late, they have regressed so badly its not even funny.

    Ron Franklin and Mike Gottfried---nothing better than a thursday night college football game to cure the ills of waiting for Saturday and WORK.
  8. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    LOL!! Could anyone finish this game alive?!?!?
  9. urtoosmall

    urtoosmall Founding Member

    Nov 27, 2002
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    1) all of the ESPN announcers(excluding pam ward and all abc personnel)
    2)Vern Lundquist

    ..........I don't care for the rest....
  10. JoeReckless

    JoeReckless Founding Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    I respect your opinion Tirk, but I disagree.

    Curry, to me, represents old school football. There is a lot to learn from him regarding discipline, values and down to earth basics. He comes off as a genuine guy who is passionate in his beliefs. I am just attracted to that sort of old school guy. I kinda wish more of the media and players would buy into that. I know that it is impossible these days though.

    Last year I saw one of his broadcasts on ESPN2 and I forgot who we were playing (maybe Miss St.) Anyway, LSU made a nice play for a long gain. Two or three plays go by and then Curry calls on a replay of the long gain. He is the only one that notices that Michael Clayton took out two defenders on that play with his blocking. The rest of the broadcast team is in awe of the replay. Bill Curry shows Clayton flatten out two people so that the play works and then simply states "Michael Clayton - Football Player". I could not think of a better compliment to give Clayton.

    Anyway, TGFIH (Thank God Football Is Here)


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