Football: Saying we have a rivalry w/ Tulane reminds me of Spurrier's comments on Tennessee: "Well, in order for it to be a rivalry, shouldn't BOTH teams have a shot at winning?" I don't see us having a true, long-time consistent rival (like Bama-AU)...I would rank 'em as Auburn, Bama, Ole Miss, Florida. Basketball -- Arkansas, no doubt Baseball -- Flavor of the month pretty much, but I tend to think of Mississippi State and ULL
In all sincerity, I think it's great a lot of you consider Auburn to be LSU's main rival in FB. I won't elaborate because it would likely be misunderstood but I take it as a compliment. For me, our main rival is the bammers. Everyone else is a far distant second.Some people make it a joke but or me it is an absolute two favorite teams are Auburn and whoever is playing bama. :grin:
Tulane in :tigbas: I loved the 2001 All-Louisiana Regional! When I wasn't working the games I was up in the stands with my frozen hurricane from LA Daquiri's. Those were the good ole days!
in football, at least right now, i would definitely say auburn think about what's taken place since the earthquake game... -the jamie howard choke -the herb tyler comeback (i'm not dreaming this one up, am i?) -lets pass on 3rd and 3 late in the 4th and down by 3 when collins is averaging 8yds/carry (thanks, gerry...'97) -postponment due to 9/11, which turned into a playoff to get into the SECCG (pre-game eye-stomping followed by an on-side kick to open) -31-7 2yrs in a row -10-9 with some major, major controversey, manifesting the barners "perfect" season -and this years game was almost the clash of the 2 previous NC's and it seems like just about every year, the favored team loses
I've got somewhat of a different take on our football rival. as someone who graduated from a new orleans HS in the mid 80's, all of my friends who couldn't get into NW, harvard or yale went to LSU or Bama with a few making their way to Oxford! as a result, Bama, to me, is our biggest rival. Bama was so good in those late 80's-90's that every year (esp. with that insane winning streak since '69 bama had at tiger stadium), the first thing we would do at the outset of the school year was plan the trip to bama or the bama guys would plan the trip to BR for the big game. the greatest thing about this is the fact that some of those bama grads are now bigger LSU fans since they have now settled back in New Orleans. bama grads that get more excited about LSU winning than bama - go figure? one thing that I also noticed that I don't see with the AU haters around here is the fact that I root for bama whenever they're not playing LSU. Esp. that NC game in the dome against miami which was just incredible, esp considering the overwhelming favorite miami was in that game. I was so fired up for the bama fans when they routed those thugs. as far as baseball, no question our biggest rival is Tulane basketball - I would have to say MSU.
absolutely. as hard as i have tried, i have never been able to bring myself to pull for AU. but i have no trouble backing the tide. i felt the same way in '93. that defense, man...was ridiculous. they were more fun to watch than most offenses.
Here's who it is for me and the teams I get fired up for: Football: Ole Miss, Auburn and because I now live in North Louisiana - Arkansas. Tulane is a sentimental rival if you will, but it'll never be a great rivalry again. Bama, like UK in basketball, because they were so good for so long. Basketball: Kentucky - always because they've always been good. Miss. State and Arkansas in recent years. Baseball: Tulane and ULL are great game intrastate rivals and there is a lot of electricity in the air for those games. In the SEC it's got to be State - whether it's at the Box or Dudy Noble - it's LSU vs. State so the intensity gets jacked up a few more notches. Overall: There is no school, team that I hate worse than Texas A&M. LSU could be playing the Faggies in donkey basketball I'd still wanted to kick their "asses," pardon the pun, as badly as possible.
For anyone who grew up in Houston, it's gotta be Texas A&M, any sport, any where.... But baseball, right now I'm feeling Rice! Did anyone else attend the regional at Rice, where they sold us tickets, in far left field. Didn't tell us that there is a huge wall in front of those Seats????? That sealed the deal. Rice sucks! :lsup:
...if one acknowledges a$m... While I was growing up in Houston, a$m was A-1 garbage. They wore "BFI" on the helmet, not "atm" (geeze, they can't even spell TAM correctly!!!). a$m hasn't beaten an LSU football team with a winning record since Nixon's 1st term! Even lil' ol' Rice tops that record of non-accomplishment. a$m ain't flip!
For me, the older I get, I hate whoever is not LSU. I especially hate the almighty USC, most overhyped team in the nation (another topic for another day).... But as far as a "Rival" I really think LSU is missing a rivalry. Sure everyone hates alabama, ole pi$$, auburn, etc..., but as far as a team that we can actually call a rival, I dont know we have one (texas has oklahoma, in basketball duke has UNC, Miami has florida state, etc..). I would love to see us establish a rivalry game again, in all sports. Maybe a border war with Texas would be especially nice....