In basketball, I'd say it's still Kentucky. I attended LSU from 78 to 82, great basketball years, did very well against UK. I hated them (still do). Other than UK -- Arkansas? It would be nice to beat Indiana or Louisville in basketball, maybe make up for past painful losses. In football, at this point I guess it's Auburn. Certainly OM is a good rivalry, as are Bama and Florida. Tulane is the most emotional rivalry but LSU hardly plays them. The "Boot" is a joke. Baseball -- Tulane? ULL? Bama? USC? :geauxtige
With exception of the Swift years, LSU hasn't threatened UK since Shaq. We're looked on as 3rd best in the West by the Lexington crowd, rightfully so. The days where we were a legitimate threat them and the games meant something have long gone. State is probably our biggest goal right now. I think to have a rivalry, people have to actually care. I have season tickets and drive the 75 minutes to the Assembly Center for 10-12 of the games. John Brady, however, is Curly Hallman: a mediocre Joe Dean hire. Crowds at the PMAC rival Tiger Stadium of 1993. Now, football, everyone is gunning for us. If Ole Miss would ever get their act together on a regular basis... Oxford in 2003 was absolutely electric, never before as a visitor had I felt so much excitment. I guess that's how a visitor to LSU must feel. Ole Miss can be something special! As for "The Boot", the rules need to change --- the loser needs to take that ugly thing home!
Come on how soon we all forget. Texas ATM is LSU biggest rival of all time, but a VERy close second would be a tie between Tulane and Ole Miss. Aurburn although hated by all of LSU nation has only gotten that way due to recent events. And I agree "The Boot" is a joke. They might as well put some Mississippi River water in a jar and play Ole Miss or State. Bring back Atm as an early season game!
I always like the Tulane rivalry. The LSU/Tulane Baseball rivalry is still great. I come down for those games every year. :thumb:
I've been a Tiger fan since 1958 (I got a Billy Cannon sweatshirt for XMAS in 1959, they couldn't get it off me. I was so depressed when spring came and it got too hot to wear it. I waited all year for next winter to wear it, and I'D OUTGROWN IT! BUMMERUSKI!!!....diversion over). For me, its Alabama. I suffered through decades on not beating them in Tiger Stadium, and precious little in Birmingham. If we were going to have a great season, we had to beat Bama, and seldom did. They were the class of the SEC for decades. If just has to be Bama. Ole Miss is our traditional rival, but since Archie Manning left, there haven't been many truely important games with them. I work with a Bama grad, and he says LSU is 3rd on the Bama list of rivals, after Tenn. and Auburn.