some recent thread included many posters saying who they imagined other posters looked like. i suggest you go to the website below, upload a photo and find out what celebrity you look like. face recognition - Find the Celebrity in You - they recommend you do more than one photo and cross-reference the list to be the most accurate. the celebrity i most look like that was on the list for all three photos was -- Sidney Poitier. Im pleased. He is a handsome man. This is somewhat tempered by the second celebrity that was on all lists-- Gene Hackman. The celebrity i looked most alike for any one photo (they give each similarity a #)---David Arquette. The female i looked most alike was --Kim Cattral. Did my wife---Serena Williams, Avril Levigne, Charlize Theron, and Marilyn Manson sob. hotdamn, that last one ruined it.
It said I look like Brad Pitt, David Beckham and Tom Brady. edit: no, it didn't. but don't tell that to the ladies.
I don't even need to take it, but I will... Just to see if it is accurate. For those of you that know me....... Rowin Atkinson. Now let me see what that site says.
Naaaa. Bob Denver. Not as the silly sailor Gilligan, but the exceedingly cool beatnik, Maynard G. Krebs.