two things. soaker hoses and a hose timer. the soaker hoses will keep the water down near the roots and provide a slow drip into the soil so that the water gets deep into the roots encouraging deep instead of shallow root growth. the timer will keep you from having to water. just set it and go. that way you can water early in the morning.
i do tons of it. it was great in Oregon when i was there. no pests, good soil. although some things were tough because of short growing season (melons). georgia is a different story. nothin but clay and granite. amending the soil has kicked my a$$ for two seasons now. hopefully in 10 yrs i'll be done with that part.
..........................................................---------------->>>> Yup...went right past me DJM
i have two years of crap to clean out of all my flower and herb beds. i have spent the past week or two slowly cleaning out all my beds in the back yard. i am completly renovating them, including adding new landscaping lights and building them up some for better drainage. probably just over half done now. the last couple of days i have been adding more herb plants to replace some i lost. lots more rosemary, some more greek oregano, and planting some basil for the year. the thyme, chives, and mint survived having nothing done to them last year. i also got some tomato plants in, but only six of em. just enough for salads and a bit of cooking. also got in a couple of eggplants and jalapenos. i need to plant some squash too. even tho i am about a month late on planting the veggies, it wouldnt be summer without some fresh from the garden tomatoes! all in all, the back yard beds are coming along. now the front yard, thats another story.
Another thing about morning watering. You want your plants to have water BEFORE they need it. If you water in the evening, the plants have already been stressed...especially in the summer.:thumb: