We should wear the white helmets and gold uniforms for the Rose Bowl. Now that is a special occasion. LSU may never go back, so make it memorable. What do ya'll think?
I love the white helmets with gold jersey's but in the Rose Bowl with the whole country watching, I say go with the traditional gold helmet and white jersey. Michigan might wear white and force us to wear a colored jersey. In that case, I say wear the gold jersey and white helmet. I like that better than the purple jersey and gold pants combo.
I like the white and gold. If not white and gold we should go with the purple and gold.:geauxtige :thumb:
Yes, let's muck up our first ever trip to the Rose Bowl by breaking out new unis. I'll call Gerry to see where he got those purple pants.
With white helmets, the best look would be white pants and purple jersey. We wore that a few times in high school, and it looks really sharp. The gold with white just gets too washed out and looks kinda dull IMHO.
After reading of your idea, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit... It does bring up the questions of who is considered home team and, if it's LSU, will Mich be good enough to let us wear the whites? I'm sure they will, but it's a better question than asking if gold jerseys and white helmets are a good idea.
Now that I think about it, we can use this horrible idea as leverage. Tell Michigan that if we can't wear the white jerseys, we're busting out white helmets, gold jerseys, and purple pants -- ALL DESIGNED BY NIKE WITH OREGON INSPIRATION!!!