Which SEC team has the most obnoxious jerks as fans?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by max, Feb 4, 2005.


Which SEC team has the most obnoxious jerks for fans?

Poll closed Feb 9, 2005.
  1. LSU

    16 vote(s)
  2. Arkansas

    4 vote(s)
  3. Auburn

    30 vote(s)
  4. Georgia

    5 vote(s)
  5. Alabama

    3 vote(s)
  6. Ole Miss

    12 vote(s)
  7. Mississippi State

    0 vote(s)
  8. Florida

    15 vote(s)
  9. Tennessee

    0 vote(s)
  10. South Carolina

    0 vote(s)
  11. Kentucky

    0 vote(s)
  12. Vanderbilt

    1 vote(s)
  1. 2 words: Hotty Toddy.....just disgraceful and disgusting.

    Hard to type those words without hurling...
  2. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    1) Auburn

    2) LSU

    3) South Carolina
  3. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    I consider my red rep square the "Eye of the tiger"
  4. TSdude

    TSdude Founding Member

    Here's my 2 cents:

    Most delusional: Alabama - the Bear is dead - move on. And Phil Fulmer didn't cause Logan Young to cheat.

    Most arrogant: Florida - under Spurrier had a right to be, have come back to Earth somewhat since the "ole ball coach" has been gone.

    Most irritating: Arkansas - how many Hog fans actually know where Fayetteville is and have actually been there? Living in North La. these Piggie fans really get on your nerves.

    Biggest a-holes: Ole Piss - for fans of a school that hasn't done squat you'd swear that the Rebs were perennial NC contenders by talking with their fans. Then when you point this out they come back with the lame line of "you'll be working for my daddy and me one day" - how gay.

    Obnoxious: LSU & Auburn - I find LSU and Auburn fans to be a lot alike. Both very passionate about their teams - living, breathing, rejoicing and dying with every snap, pitch or shot of the ball. Not afraid to tell anyone how great their respective Tigers are!
  5. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    Good to see Florida up there at 20%. I decided to vote based on my own experiences only, and Florida is the runaway winner in my book.

    Arrogant like Texas fans (though their women are hot), just insufferable. I used to be in a local Fantasy Football league with a bunch of UF grads and, each and every year at the draft, I'd wear my old "LSU 28, UF 21" t-shirt about the 1997 game just to piss 'em off.

    Interestingly, I've gotten along quite well with the Auburn fans I've met. Texas and Florida fans are like #1 and #1A on my sh_t list. :shock:
  6. ldufre2

    ldufre2 Geaux Tigers!

    My vote has to go to :eek:lefire: , Oxford has to be the $**t hole of the world.

    Never have I been told "F*** You" so many times as I recieved last year In Oxford. They were brutal, even Hot Chicks.

    Yeah we Tiger Fans can get obnoxious with the "Tiger Bait," but at least we're not yelling FU at everyone.
  7. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Georgia by far...going to the game there this year sucked...and I am talking about the pre game activities.

    they do have some HOT women there though.......
  8. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    I thought the USC fans in Columbia were very nice and gracious in defeat. one of my favorite places to go so far.
  9. kjntiger

    kjntiger Founding Member

    Best post i've seen all day
  10. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    Amen brother :thumb:

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