Well, we CAN be # 1 in just about everything! Why just go half way? But ya know, those folks at Florida Field give us a good run for the money!
I know some ou fans that were (and still are) fuming about the way they treated at the Sugar Bowl by LSU fans. (The taunt of Tiger Bait still gets on their nerves.) I told them that they are just jealous because LSU fans are the only ones that can out obnoxious ou fans. :thumb: And I mean that in a good way for LSU fans!
Auburn all the way (if I could vote). There pricks everywhere and the worst are at Auburn (in my experience ofcourse). I know my tailgating group and the others that I tailgated with before are all very nice to visitors sharing our food and beer. Ive never seen so many jackasses talk smack like they won the NC like Auburn did this year. I actually heard one young, drunk idiot yell "Auburn is the greatest city in the world!" What kind of dellusional jerk says that about a town (not even city) the likes of Auburn? I love Baton Rouge but I would never say its the greatest in the world.