Which Place is Better to See an Away Game?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSU-4-EVER, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. LSU-4-EVER

    LSU-4-EVER Freshman

    I plan on making the trip to all of the away games this year and wanted to know which place was more fun to see an away game. When I consider an away game "fun" it is in terms of the atmosphere and the personality of the host fans. The chance to see a great game also plays a part in it.

    The Games:
    LSU @ Auburn
    LSU @ Tennessee
    LSU @ Florida
    LSU @ Arkansas

    For those of you who have been to these sites (I have been to Auburn but not the others) what are these away sites like?
  2. ChuckM

    ChuckM Founding Member

    We've picked Tennessee as the group roadtrip game. The atmosphere, the town, the setting (the stadium sucks though), the people, the tailgating, all excellent. Accomodations arent that bad, trip to the game isnt that bad. Promises to be a great game as well.

    Florida has the "college age" visitor at heart. The bar rooms are just feet from the front door of the stadium, but its Florida, and they're rude.

    Albarn.. hummph

    Arkansas is an easy trip, nice atmosphere and nice fans. Their upper crust tailgaters are right outside of the stadium and they do a great job of inviting you in and welcoming you. We sat right square in the middle of them 2 years ago and while they didnt like it, they never gave us any guff. Then they left after halftime, which made it great.

    Tennessee was my pick for this year.

  3. LSUfan71

    LSUfan71 Founding Member

    Out of that list, I've only tailgated at Florida. 90% of the Florida fans you meet on campus are *******s, the students are horrible fans. Gainesville is not very hospitable to visiting fans. I'm going to either Florida or Tennessee, leaning to Knoxville at the moment.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Auburn and Florida are always great fun. Very loud stadiums, always sold out. College town atmosphere. Auburn fans are friendlier than Florida fans, but Florida fans have some swagger that I appreciate. Auburn has better BBQ.

    Tennessee is overrated. The stadium is big but not all that loud. Campus is downtown in Knoxville and very crowded.

    Arkansas in Fayette Nam can be fun, but it is usually cold as hell in November. Arkansas in Little Rock truly sucks. The town and the stadium are both second rate.

    I'd say

    1. The Barn
    2. The Swamp
    3. The Ozarks
    4. That big football field on the river

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