I was thinking the same thing after our win Saturday nite. He predicted that we would fall apart once CNS left and I actually think we have done nothing but gotten better. I think this team is superior to the 2003 team and a few reasons are performance and depth. Maybe he is already back but by another name?:shock: Anyway, I hope he comes back here because I enjoyed talking to him here during the 2003 season and I do believe he got a few things right?:wink: Memories of the 2003 season are going off in my mind right now!:grin: Wow, I've never had so much fun as this year and 2003. I really feel like the football gods are behind us and the stars have alligned just right, there is no doubt in my mind that we will be playing in the Sugar Bowl this year and win. I pitty whoever has to play us on a neutral site in this state!:hihi: :lol:
Look familiar... ~~~~~~LES SMILES~~~~~~~~ I didn't care for him too much, but I can't help but wonder if he still lurks.
:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: NO SUGAR BOWL!!!! The 2008 Allstate BCS National Championship Game :thumb:
I always liked Ramah. Yes, I know he was *different*. But the ****er made me laugh. I posted much more back then and I'll never forget his merciless taunting of all opposing fans in his own inimitable style. Pitching his hissy fit when Miles was hired is I'm sure something he'd like to completely forget. I'm sure he's popped up on another message board somewhere under a different name.