Politics Where are we going?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Why do you say we NEED legal immigration?
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Immigration has been in the county’s best Interest for the last 250+ years and it still is today. I understand and for the most part agree with vball’s observations on the illegal issues in her area. However that is not all of the picture. In fact I believe it’s narrow and not representative of the general population. Where would we be in New Orleans if not for illegals after Katrina. In Houston I’ll wager there are many illegals rebuilding from the floods last year.
    However my point wasn’t about illegals but the need and positive impact of legal immigration. The Cato piece I posted has powerful factual arguments for immigration. No one today has refuted any but have deflected to illegals. Why don’t you stick to the point? Trump is pushing policies to limit legal immigration especially where we need it most, engineers, scientists and other highly skilled people. That is in total opposition to our past and bad policy and will hurt us.
    Immigrants are the renewing lifeblood of our society. Most immigrants hold values that are closer to conservatives than liberals. They work hard and want their children to do better than they did. Most are Catholic like you caca and against abortion. Too many are seduced by the liberals because too many conservatives reject them. Look at the Cubans in Florida who have been solid republican. Look at the Vietnamese in New Orleans east who elected a Republican after Katrina. We are letting a precious resource slip through our hands due to prejudice and laziness.
    I don’t expect to convince you but our children will pay the price.
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Look at f**king history. Today we can’t fill engineering jobs without immigrants. We can’t fill physician jobs or science jobs without immigrants. Look at the computer and software jobs immigrants fill because natives aren’t there to do them. There are countless jobs in every discipline that our snowflake graduates in gender, African American, or advanced basket weaving can’t fill. There are obviously openings in skilled trade if you live in New Orleans or Baton Rouge or Houston.
    Read the Cato paper I posted.
  4. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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  5. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Look, you don't have to curse at me. I was asking you an honest question. I am not Caca and do not appreciate the disrespect. I thought you were trying to evoke discussion.

    Your previous post partially answered my question. I am not sure why you think we can't fil physician jobs as many applicants are turned away from med schools. And why are there so many graduates of these degrees without jobs if there is such a shortage. Both don't bother answering if you plan to get all high and mighty again. I prefer to discuss thing rationally.
    Last edited: May 13, 2018
    Bayou Tiger likes this.
  6. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    And that article is flawed. He uses the arguments people say about ILLEGAL immigrants and applies it to legal immigration. I don't think anyone says those things about legal immigration
  7. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    And why is that? Could it be because Democrats have transformed our education system to the point where liberal indoctrination takes precedence over the math and science skills American children need to become engineers, doctors and software writers? Who's fault is it that our "snowflake graduates" are well versed in social justice but can't read? Our house needs to be fixed from within.
    Winston1 likes this.
  8. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    That’s a great point. Just after WWII most professors were conservatives and the threat of the Soviet Union and the space race focused most people on hard science etc. I believe the baby boomers, my generation, selfish cowards most rejected many norms and became leftists. I’ve read though I can’t cite it that there was a concentrated effort by leftists to gain control of the education system. Unfortunately that’s one thing they did well. Even private schools see a decline.
    I agree that the leftists and democrats are responsible for the crap we see in education today. However conservatives bear some responsibility too. We let them do it. Why? Maybe because it wasn’t glamorous or well paying enough. Maybe we thought if our children escaped to private school it wouldn’t matter. Maybe we just didn’t think it was important IDK. Whatever we’re paying for it now. Our children and grandchildren will pay more.
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    sorry Dachsie. I guess I was frustrated as I think our history even to today shows the great accomplishments we owe to immigrants. I find many objections are based on ignorance or to deflect rather than to engage. I guess I lumped your comment in with that. Again I apologize.
    We turn med school applicants away because there are not enough slots. That’s why many go to foreign med schools. Frankly I don’t know of many competent graduates with technical degrees who can’t find jobs. Rather I see many graduates without the skills or background to hold the jobs available. There’s always an ebb and flow but grads in technical subjects can work.
    To your point that this holds true for illegals as well, it does. Many just want to be a part of this great country. Sure there are some bad apples. I fully believe what vball’s said about the gangs but that’s true of every immigrant wave. We had, still do, the Mafia, the Irish gangs even German (remember Dutch Schultz). The Jews had Meyer Lansky and his gang. Chinese brought the tongs in....and we could go on and on. Just like we have plenty of natural born thugs.
    Just because it’s valid for both legal and illegals doesn’t invalidate it. Rather I think it’s something for us to be proud of. It means we have a country, really the only country that people the world over see as the land of opportunity and a place to uproot themselves for something better.
    That doesn’t mean open up the gates. Immigration needs to be controlled but not discouraged. Immigrants need to be welcomed but not coddled. They need to earn their place not be given one.
    They’re coming whether you like it or not. If we reject them they’ll go into the hands of the leftists democrats and the country will be totally screwed. If we accept that they’re coming and give them a fair shake then we’ll earn their respect.
    GiantDuckFan and Bayou Tiger like this.
  10. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    All of this is Trumps fault, I know I know. Would be easier to discuss a point with you but your blind unfounded hate of Trump ruins the discussion. You just as soon be another late night comedian or MSM talking head the way you hate Trump. Pile on like everyone else.

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