a lot of our elected officials made asses of themselves yesterday at that hearing and the grandstanding was pretty awesome did anyone catch the person yelling "you're off your meds" to gohmer while he was spewing at strozk? good theater
I just don’t agree that liberalism is going to be the destruction of America. Most major powers throughout history were destroyed because of inequality. Funneling everything to the top until the people with no bread revolt.
They certainly did. Awesome in a, "car wreck resulting in an internal decapitation" sort of way. Gohmer's comment was the theater you speak of and while I found some satisfaction in his comment.... "The disgrace is what this man has done to our justice system," Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, shouted over objections by Democrats. "I can't help but wonder, when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?" It brought the hearing to a Jerry Springer/Geraldo level. Equating my commentary to that feckless douchebag is below the belt. I despise Coulter. Historically speaking, there is no case, no population size, no built-on-freedom society that is comparable to America. The liberal mentality that says the feds need to take care of everyone, make their decisions for them, make the government bigger so individual freedoms become smaller IS a cancer that is destroying from within. Decades and decades of growing government dependence absolutely kills motivation and the entrepreneurial spirit. If children raised in it, don't know how to BE successful, haven't SEEN successful, they merely continue the cycle. And then the lefty leaders step in to tell them it's the other side's fault that they aren't successful and thus begins the re-education from equality of opportunity to equality of outcome. And frankly, with everything I wrote, it's sad that all you focused on was a truthful commentary about one aspect of our society. I also criticized the right and my main point anyway, was we need to get rid of current Congressional members and put term limits in.
Our problem today with so much money being held at the top cannot be solved by government intervention. the corporationis that pay these executives rediclous salaries are there own worst enemies. Noone will make me believe these executives are worth their multimillion dollar salaries. In fact i would wager there some hot upcommers which would do a whole lot better for a whole lot less. a 100M Salary would give a 10K pay raise to 10K employees. Which do you think drives the economy more? That is not something that the government can or should fix. it is something that corporate america needs to get behind.
Sorry that comment just sounded like the title of one of her books, I meant no disrespect. I still think you are seeing the extreme.
Yo where are we going? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/maxine...ath-keepers-counter-protest-today-2018-07-19/ https://kiddbell.com/products/america-was-never-great-button https://kcrewcs.bandcamp.com/album/gene-america-was-never-great-cs https://greenboxshop.us/products/america-was-never-great
All children should be required to watch Mein Kauf, Band of Brothers, The Pacific and Saving Private Ryan. That sadly won't happen but they will rather be subjected to watching Al Gore's fraudulent fairy tale An Inconvenient Truth. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/07/2...lain-navy-seal-and-medal-honor-recipient.html
Have you ever watched the movie "Come and See" . The Rooskies made it, back in 1985. Did not get a lot of press in the west. Puts EVERYTHING else to 2nd place, IMHO. You can, or at least used to be able to, I have not checked lately, watch it in a number of installments on YouTube. I do not think I could take it all at once.